03 November 2008

what's pricier than petrol?

Imagine this, you walk into a pub with a couple of friends, park yourself at a table, and order a bottle of Jack Daniel's or Chivas Regal. The usual Q&A about mixers, and you're soon downing the first shot of the day. The waiter comes up with the bill, and your eyes nearly pop out; they would have popped out had your blood vessels not expanded due to the alcohol. Two hundred and fifty bloody ringgit for a bloody bottle of whiskey at a bloody small pub. A blatant case of how things are inflated, if the price is anything to go by.

Personally, I don't think any pub should price their liquor bottles above RM 200. Even that's a tad extravagant; RM 180 is a more comfortable maximum point. But we'll take petrol prices into consideration (Malaysia's No. 1 excuse for exorbitantly-priced goods) and add twenty to the ceiling price. And if we're talking about clubs, a cap of RM 350 is painful, but bearable.

All things considered, it amazes me how the smaller pubs in Klang Valley charge with impunity bottled liquor; some have even been known to bill customers up to RM 280 for a cheap ass Black Label. Now, I'm sure many will nod rather hesitantly when I say "If you can't afford it, don't bloody drink". Yet, at the same time, I can understand one's need to get a bottle and sip peacefully at the whiskey coke or vodka lime without having to wave your arms furiously after every empty glass. More so in a packed joint; waiters are at a premium, for some strange reason. It's almost as though they're skilled in blending in with the patrons, to the point of onlookers being unable to differentiate between a drunk and a person serving a drunk.

I tend to lean towards the school of thought that bottles should only be opened in clubs and not mere pubs and bars. I find it rather pretentious when a person arranges a bottles of Jim Beam, four cans of Coke, the ice bucket and one glass in front of himself in some obscure joint in the corner of some equally obscure neighbourhood. It's a bit hard to decide if it's sad, or it's pathetic.

Sadly pathetic, perhaps?


Anonymous said...

I agree. Small pubs = cheap happy hour prices for liquor already, right? So why bother opening a bottle?

But you know it's the normal practice for a certain race, right? Showing off that they can afford to buy a bottle. Yeah... 10 people sharing a bottle...

I do think that in clubs, it just makes better fiscal sense to buy bottles, if we're all going to drink the same drinks for many rounds. I realised that when you do rounds, you end up paying on average a hundred per head for only three rounds, as opposed to paying a hundred-ish per head for 6 or 7 rounds, with a bottle.

Sigh. This is making me thirsty. Why the hell did you have to go write about drinking today!?

me. said...

I wrote about this some time back i.e. last week. If you're thirsty, reach out for some water, healthier and cheaper than firewater.
Btw, HH at Spag's is really worth it, especially for liquor!

Anonymous said...

I know! Had a couple of their firewaters for lunch today.
