16 April 2009

pick me up and lift me down

Not an auspicious start to Thursday. Some results go your way, some don't. Today, they didn't. Ah well, there's always the penultimate round.

The only consolation? It's Friday tomorrow. What the connection is, don't ask me. I'm just stating the obvious.

"Look baby, I'm a heartbreaker, I'm a heartbreaker".

Okay, I confess, I'm confused. Which is why some conversations don't have a point. It's not that I'm being wishy-washy about things; I just don't know what I want. Not at the moment. And honestly speaking, I'm comfortable with being confused; gives me a certain blanket of acceptability to behave unadult-like now and then. But seriously, who cares right? Just go out, have fun, chill about, socialise around, everything's easy-peasy. It should be. Trick is not to over-think things. In fact, it's better not thinking at all. Go with the flow, Joe.

Good thing is, I'm looking forward to another round of clubbing. It's mind-numbingly pleasurable, I tell you. I doubt I'm going to be able to practise corny pick-up lines. Question: do guys still use pick-up lines these days? Do dodgy men go up to women and wax lyrical about stolen stars and fallen angels? Or is it more a case of familiarity breeds conversation? You sit down next to a person long enough in the night, and channels open up. There's something about pick-up protocol in The Game, but my memory fails me. Or it could be that I never read that particular chapter; the chapter on 'scoring' in the club.

You know what, I've got to get myself a cookie jar. And fill it up with delicious cookies of all shapes, sizes and ingredients. Hmm, that would be something constructive which takes up my time.


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