02 April 2009

wii-ing around in the universe

I'm going to sound like I've just stepped out of the Stone Age, but Nintendo Wii is really cool.

There. Raise your eyebrows as much as you want.

I had an all-too-brief go at Star Wars yesterday, and it was quite exhilarating swinging the remote around, and watching the lightsabre slice through the enemy on-screen. The fact that my arm was aching after some 5 minutes of slashing, and thrusting and parrying added to the realism of the experience. The interface wasn't that great, but the graphics were impressive. Pity there wasn't any blood splashing around ala Kill Bill; that would have been uber cool.

And for a brief moment, I was entertaining the thought of actually getting a Wii console; the price tag did more than enough to stop me dead in my tracks. A thousand seven hundred bloody ringgit. Woah! Easy, Darth Vader. Then, once the euphoria of having executed a jumping-slash-like manoeuvre was totally flushed from my system, I got to thinking, am I really going to stay at home and play every night? Or even every weeknight? I think not. All honesty, I reckon I'm more inclined to get a N96 with that amount of money, with plenty of change to spare. But if the price were more in the region of RM 1000, then perhaps.

On a related matter, I remember many years ago (we're talking in the mid-80s here), almost anyone who had watched the Star Wars trilogy harboured secret aspirations to be a Jedi. I mean, what's there not to like (in the mind of an eight or nine-year old): cool weapon, black ninja-like outfit, potent hand movement and agility beyond human capability.

Fast forward a quarter of a century, and all I can say is Jedis are wusses. Really. Come on, think about it. They have this constant constipated look on their faces (the precursor to the Clive Owen look), they can't display emotions (even in bed), they can't procreate (which probably explains the previous point), and they always have to clasp their hands together and nod sagely in front of a green gremlin-like creature. And their fashion options are pretty damn limited; one can easily place them on a camel, if you get my drift.

And frankly speaking, does anyone really give a damn about the balance between good and evil and all that jazz? After watching countless good vs evil flicks (home and away), I've come to the conclusion that good means drinking orange juice in a cafe, and evil is drinking whiskey in a pub.

So yeah, watching Star Wars these days (all six of them), you just hope Vader had just finished off whining Luke. I know I enjoyed watching Vindoo get vindalooed by Anakin 'I'm-so-torn-apart' Skywalker. Given, some Jedis were quite bearable - Qui-Go Jin and Obi-Wan (their idiocy in buying son but not mother still defies logic); but in terms of the bigger picture, I didn't shed a tear when the Republic/ Empire went on their backstabbing (literally) Jedi pogrom.

I must reiterate, I don't dislike the Jedis, I just find them a tad bit overbearing and pretentious. Which obviously made it easier for the dark side (the perennial villain) to pull the wool over their heads. I mean, for how long did they expect to go on blaming everything that was wrong with the galaxy on the darker cousin of the qi-cosmic energy ray-like-midi-chlorian thingy that's the force? Somebody attacked Endor, blame the dark side. Somebody kidnapped the princess, blame the dark side. Somebody stole my sandwich, blame the dark side. I'm suffering from constipation, let's hear it now, altogether now - Blame the Dark Side.

But I reckon the Jedis forgot the cardinal rule of all lifeforms - once you go black, you'll never go back.

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