02 July 2009

Switch the Channel: Desperado is on.

It's really amazing to see how desperate Malaysians are to be in the world spotlight. If it were for something of substance or meaningful, then by all means, go ahead.

But reality reads: trivial, mundane, inconsequential. The things people here conjure up to cement their 15 minutes of fame borders between hilarity and incredulity.

Take this latest attempt by to swim across the English Channel. Why, oh why? To be the first Malaysian girl to do so, it appears. So initially it was First Malaysian, now it's First Malaysian [insert gender].

I mean, not to sound discouraging, but BFD.

Think about it, why hasn't there been any Malaysian who has attempted to swim along Sg Rajang? Or across the Straits of Malacca or the South China Sea? What's so earth-movingly spectacular about paddling through the Channel?

I reckon, maybe it's a subconscious form of inferiority complex. Since the Brits colonised Malaya centuries ago, some Malaysians feel the need to flick a finger back by, get this, conquering the Channel. Oh wow! Yeah.

And just to put things in perspective, Wiki quotes, "The total number of swims conducted under and ratified by the Channel Swimming Association to 2005: 982 successful crossings by 665 people. This includes twenty-four 2-way crossings and three 3-way crossings."

That's the country for you: plenty of chest thumping, thrash talking and brash bragging, little of everything else.

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