25 June 2008


For some strange reason, Danke Schoen is playing in my head. Not a voice repeating thank you in German, but the song, made famous by Wayne Newton. Why, I don't know. Catchy tune, admittedly. Very Vegas-esque, to state the obvious.

By all accounts, a pretty tumultuous weekend, at the least. And through all that helter skelter, I learnt that somethings go your way, somethings don't. Whether you like it or not. Guess one just has to take it on the chin, rub the ache away, and come back with a vengeance. Or maybe walk off and start afresh, better and wiser. I reckon life is too precarious to be spent seething in anger, blaming everyone else. I should know, having wasted one or two years on resentment and dormant fury. Of course, age tends to mellow down one's enthuasiasm for anger and such negative emotions. (I associate those types of emotions with the colour red). It's time to embrace the blueness of life, to appreciate the greeness of the surroundings, to stop this seemingly LSD-infused similes.

Thank the heavens for football. Not only is it a way of life for most of us, football also serves as a form of escapism from the catastrophic events in my life, as and when they occur. Maybe catastrophic is too strong a word, I would use tumultuous but I've already used it somewhere in the second paragraph. Thesaurus.com suggests turbulent. Yes, turbulent events in my life. And still Wayne Newton enthralls me with his extensive knowledge of German vocabulary. But yes, football is a welcome distraction. Go Germany!

Contemplating watching Get Smart this evening. A spur of the moment thingy. Though calling it a moment isn't really being honest since I was thinking of watching the movie yesterday. Nothing like slapstick comedy to soothe the nerves that will be frayed tonight. Go Germany! (Did I mention that earlier?).

If I were to assume my mantle of worldliness, I'd be inclined to say that sometimes there is no rationale to decisions taken. We think it through, agonise over it, seek advice and ponder for hours. But more often than not, this serves to fortify our decision, not so much justify it. In other words, we do not seek why; what we want is how. I guess I have discovered bundles of hows but very little whys throughout all these years (31 and counting). What I do need to ask my esteemed self is "do I care about the whys anymore?" Just Do It, Nike says. Impossible is Nothing, preaches Adidas. Can't recall what Puma and Reebok have to say, but I'm pretty sure it'd be something in the ballpark. Hmm, these brands are making me think of gym. Perhaps I should skip the movie and go workout (@ discover previously-unused muscles).

Sigh. Looks like you-know-which-song is not going to fade away. Ah well, what the heck. Here are the lyrics to the song, and strangely enough, I can relate to it. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Danke Schoen.

Danke Schon
Second seat, go Dutch treat,
You were sweet.
Danke Schon, darling, Danke Schon.
Save those lies, darling, don't explain.
I recall Central Park in fall,
How you tore your dress,
What a mess! I confess
That's not all.
Danke Schon, darling, Danke Schon.
Thank you for walks down lovers' lane.
I can see hearts carved on a tree,
Letters intertwined
For all time; yours and mine,
That was fine.
Danke Schon, darling, Danke Schon.
Thank you for seeing me again.
Though we go on our sep'rate ways,
Still the mem'ry stays

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