20 June 2008


The weekend is finally here. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, Saturday lies on the horizon. What's sobering, though, is the fact that Saturday and Sunday will fly by, and I'll be staring into Monday's gloom within a blink of an eye. Sigh, the trials and tribulation of working life.

It doesn't help that the Euros are so nerve wracking, especially now that the knock out stage is upon us. Germany's victory last night came at a cost - white knuckles and badly-chewed fingernails. And a lack of sleep. Before the match due to anxiety, after the match due to elation. So much for my before and after sleeping regime.

Staring at the computer all day is beginning to give me headaches. Yesterday's episode was bad, though I could also attribute that to not drinking enough water, and a coffee too many. But yeah, have to use my next windfall and get a new pair of glasses, perhaps two. Contacts are convenient, but start burdening the eyeballs sometime after 10 hours.

Hmm, Croatia v Turkey, do I really want to watch the match? Maybe I will, though it'll mean killing time till 2.45AM. And my backbone can only take so much of sitting down a cheap ass (pun intended) stool. Have yet to find a decent cafe showing the matches, though I could easily watch at home in the comforts of the sofa, ice cream and chocolates.

Hmm, now there's a thought.

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