08 September 2008

and still they will not listen

Once again, the ugly infestation that is Malaysian Media rears its despicable head.

Once again, self-proclaimed 'journalists' and 'reporters' flock to the aid of scumbags and lowlifes, oblivious to truth, integrity and ethics.

You can only shake your head and wonder, why haven't they learnt? Why haven't they realised their mistakes and shortcomings? Why are they still willing henchmen, eternally loyal to an increasingly desperate regime?

The results of the most recent GE weren't just a slap to the ruling party's face, it was mud in the faces of the invertebrates collectively known as 'the media'. My, how they twisted tales, and spun wondrous stories, and belittled the opposition. Oh, what joy they had concocting lies and glorifying corrupt individuals and criminal parties. Yet, it was all in vain. People were, and still are, fed up of mainstream media. Untrustworthy, lack of integrity, unethical, submissive, truth benders, tale spinners - pick your choice. Within the space of several months, the internet and blogosphere comprehensively trumped the newspapers and TV channels, consigning these ever willing government stooges to 'yesterday's news'. Politics? Go online. Local news? Go online. I reckon we can safely assume, Malaysian Mainstream Media is dead and buried. RIP.

On a related note, observe the rats as they desperately try to cling on to power. Some shout, some gesture, others whimper. Funny how they're so afraid of crossovers, they're taking study trips abroad. If you can't control them, take them for a holiday. How come the media has not brought up the wastage of funds involved? How is it they (the same media) has not questioned the necessity of such action? The crude answer would be - lack of balls. I prefer to be more refined - the non-existence of testicles. Plain and simple.

And what's with this short term memory syndrome sweeping across the nation? What's with all this talk of how it'll be detrimental to the country if the opposition forms the next government through party hopping? How come suddenly, cross overs are viewed with contempt? How come not a single individual in the government or media has brought up Sabah 1994? Why is an old crone croaking hypocritically about issues he used to suppress harshly and illegally? Why are certain individuals from a particular supremacist party allowed to mouth off racist remarks without fear of punishment or repercussions?

The only way things are going to progress here is by eliminating racism and religious fundamentalism, and all related entities. Forming a government through cross overs won't have such an adverse effect on the country's prosperity; having a government run by a supremacist party will.

It already has.

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