12 January 2009

brain fade

Would you believe it, I've got a blogger's block? Who would have imagined eh? I'm struggling to write this post, that's for sure. The keys are not flowing, the flow disjointed. I blame it on the Monday blues, though I've never had difficulties posting entries on the first day of the week. Guess there's always a first.

Okay, no more Frangi's on Fridays. It's not at all productive, and quite effort consuming after a while. Across the road, 21 seems promising, offers more potential. Or maybe Laundry, if access is granted (smirk). Savanh Too tends to have a disappointing turnout during weekends; if only there actually were more patrons than staff there, I'd park myself there more often.

Nope, still don't feel the words flowing. Have I finally run out of topics to write? (Dramatic music). Or is it due to the fact that I'm trying to find the killer word that I'm over-taxing the grey matter? That's a distinct possibility. Doesn't help that the late evening finds me at my literary worst. How does one muster the strength to key-in tens of letters to an empty screen after having a long and taxing day? There seems to be quite a number of questions in this post.

Alright, I promise to return with a vengeance, eventually .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Access conditional.
Stay AWAY from the bar area.