28 January 2009

drunken ox in a china shop

CNY has come, and gone. Ya ya, I know it lasts for 15 days, but for those who don't actually celebrate the festival, it's over.

Funny how future financial plans are always scheduled for after CNY, and not so much in tandem with the Gregorian New Year. Really, think about it. Whether it's finding a new job or starting a business endeavour, almost everyone seems to set post-CNY as the starting point for expected prosperity. I guess that's another indicator of how multi-cultural Malaysians are, despite the government's best efforts to polarise the different ethnicities.

Still with CNY musings, it's been one DVD after another for the past three or so days. I reckon I've watched more movies in 72 hours than most do in a year. The roll call: Slumdog Millionaire (bloody fantastic), Outlander (bloody crap), The Good Shepherd (quite engaging), Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam (bite me, please, ponty baby), Rec (freaky) and Prince Caspian (decent battle scenes). I would have watched more, but almost all the DVD shops (including my regular one) were closed. Next on my list: Valkyrie, Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam 2, Puteri Gunung Ledang, Histeria (hattrick of Malay shows?), A Wednesday, Gran Torino and Changeling.

I'm so in love with someone from PHSM, I tell you.

Back to reality. Got a healthy dose of clubbing over the weekend. I've got to find an alternative to alcoholic beverages; one that doesn't screw up my digestive juices. Two Citrus Presses later, and I could feel the acid in my stomach swirling. Coke and Ginger Ale are way too sugary, I realised (finally?), while I definitely can't be sipping coffee throughout the night, can I? I'm thinking mocktails, but not every club serves them. And no, I won't be caught dead drinking a Bloody Mary or Shirley Temple. Bailey's, I don't mind. A Drinker's Dilemma.

The Battle of the Bulge resumes, for the twenty-second time. This time, it's six-pack or bust. Hmm, one unintended pun too many there.

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