14 January 2009

the little twitch at the back of my mind

Exactly two weeks into 2009, and already I've started the new year on the backfoot. Nothing but one issue after another, on a daily basis. Mentally-sapping would be slightly understating current state of affairs. All of a sudden, relatively, 2008 doesn't seem that much of a disappointment.

Sleep has been hard to come by; there's been plenty of bedsheet-rustling, and not of the pleasurable kind. Almost impossible to fall asleep without some degree of vigorous tossing and turning. Can't recall the last time I had a solid 7-hour sleep session. Think it must have been during the time when I had the flu; piriton always sends me into dreamless slumber.

These days, I feel like there's a dark cloud hovering over me, shadowing my every move. Every time something good happens, the cloud erupts and throws a yang to temper the yin. Akin to finding a thousand bucks, only to spend it on unforeseen liabilities a couple of days later. Or losing a bucket load of calories on the treadmill, only to end up piling it up all again in one seating of banana leaf or Baskins Robbins.

Or maybe it's all my own doing, or undoing, which ever way one looks at it. Perhaps I'm at it again, gripping my shield and wielding my sword, off to fight some other's battle. Perhaps I'm being a Bush, getting involved in some conflict far away from home. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps.

Then again, I've never been one to sit down idly and watch others struggle, without leaping into action. Okay, maybe not leap; slowly arise, stretch and then join in the fray. Though what will eventually happen is that I'll get bogged down in the muck of things, while the initial protagonists climb out to safety. It baffles me, to say the least.

Okay, happy thoughts.

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