05 February 2009

democracy? what's that?

I picked up The Star this morning, and instantly regretted it; overwhelming disgust assaulted my still-blurry senses.
There they were, a pack of scoundrels, grinning idiotically without an ounce of integrity; despicable rodents jumping ship. Only in Malaysia can political turncoats prevail, and thrive.

For that, we can thank BN - the very epitome of hypocrisy.

I was planning to write a long rant about their betrayal of elector trust in Perak; operative verb being 'was'. I don't see the any reason to smear my posts by further mentioning them, so for all I care, Uncle Charlie's kite's up there.

So yeah, first Sabah, now Perak, God knows where's next.

Definitely the death knell of democracy here, or what remains of it.

SOS to the US: please send us an Obama. On the double.

1 comment:

小頑童@nottyboy said...

yeahhhh!!! new froggy species found in perak!!