04 July 2008

nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain

Logically speaking, November rain can't really fall in December, can it? Ergo, it doesn't last forever. More specifically, it lasts for a maximum of 30 days. Think about it. Quite pedantic eh?

Today, I feel fine. Not exceptionally cheery, but relatively happy. Because it's Friday. Which means two upcoming days of lazing around and doing nothing, and telling the world to bugger off. Then it's back to morose Monday and mundane drudgery. Suddenly I'm not so happy anymore, bloody Monday. "Tell me why I don't like Mondays, tell me why I don't like Mondays."

I reckon butt fun is the flavour of this dying week. Spread the papers open, and you'll nod knowingly. The number two chap in Malaysia reportedly gave glowing praise about a now-deceased Mongolian model's penchant for anal sex, while the former number two chap has been linked yet again with sodomy. Go figure, just shows how anal things are here in Malaysia, no pun intended.

What will I do for the weekend? D&D, hopefully. Party somewhere on Saturday night, more hopefully. Have coffee at a cafe, most likely. Or maybe I'll catch a movie. Get Smart would be a mild tonic.

Do I want to start again? I'm not sure. Then again, do I know what I want? I'm not sure. Deja vu. Looking at things philosophically, do I really want to build a house when I could stay in a hotel? Why spend years trying to build something that will most likely come crumbling down? Almost everyone espouses the virtues of enjoying one's life to the fullest, to sample the finest life offers, to live the life. And thus far, that outlook is an anathema to commitment.

Tis only July, and I'm yearning for another holiday. Ideally, a holiday every three months is just that, ideal. So I really should be planning something only for August/ September and not July. I'm loathe to say perhaps Phuket, because I can already hear the recriminations from the masses playing in my head. "Didn't you just go there this year?" It's sort of like if you fancy burgers, you keep ordering them. If you fancy a place, you keep going there. Simple, though I don't really see the need to justify my holiday destinations. Langkawi or Tioman would be a good alternative, though I also have half an eye (if that's possible) on Koh Samui.

We deal with angst in many different ways. I used to take it out on Johnny and Jim and Jack, until I learnt the hard way that they will only placate you for a while, just to prepare you for a long descent into the depths of despair later. Now I use holidays as an escape from the glitches in life, a sort of therapeutic troubleshooting. Just planning them, though difficult to the uninitiated, soothes the raging nerves and throbbing emotions. I can now say with certainty (what others have exhorted for decades) that drinking one's sorrows away is synonymous with drinking one's sanity (and cash) away. I don't intend to get all preachy, though. To each his/ her/ its own. I don't really give a damn, to be honest.

Flames to dust, lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end

Would I say I'm bitter? No I won't. I'd say I'm less susceptible to caring.

(A beer for the first person to leave me the name of the singer of the above verse)

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