15 July 2008

the world's best kept secret

My blogs have probably got to be the best kept secret in blogosphere; have a grand total of 0 hits/ clicks/ comments. What the hell...? Wonder if I should start doing some shameless advertising and force people to visit them at least once a day, on the threat of violence. I could swear that there were at least 6 people who asked for my blog addresses over the past month, and as of today, nothing. Eerily quiet, like a ghostblog. Whatever.

After some pretty insightful discussions last night (talking mainly done by me), I think I'm ready to resuscitate my long dormant social life. The life that, for years, had been put on the backburners in favour of financial clout. My finances don't look like getting cloutish anytime soon, so I reckon I might as well go out and enjoy whatever's on the table. Figuratively, of course. Do really need to embark on any resemblance of a diet programme. Preferably one that makes allowance for evening tea and late night snacking.

The way I see it, there can only be a nett gain in terms of improvement. Having been enlightened at various times about my distinct lack of passion, ambition, goals, aims, romance, social life, money, drive, discipline, dedication, commitment, motivation and flexibility, I reckon, yeah well, what else could I possibly be short of? So outlook wise, it is possible for the phoenix to rise from the ashes, though to where, that is the question. Maybe I should worry less about what happens in the future, and live for the moment, very much like how things were 10 years ago. Commitment, love, affection, care - balderdash. Time to indulge more in whirlwind romances that end within a year (maybe two, max) rather than gearing up for the longer yard. Somehow, it doesn't really seem quite worth it anymore.

Fly, Robin, Fly...Up, Up to the Sky. And the song repeats itself over and over again. How is it relevant? Well, I'm sure there's a connection with the rest of the text, I just haven't figured it out yet. Of course, all the optimism will easily end up in the dustbin when the lack of potential mates becomes apparent. Till then, the dream begins today. Does tomorrow's significance have any influence on this newfound awakening? Probably, though I reckon it ends with me. Sad? Yes. Dismayed? Yes. Resigned? yes, yes. This sentence was obviously penned to end with a no; just can't find an emotion that would warrant a negative. No, wait. Happy? No.

Such is life.

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