25 August 2008

feed a cold, starve a fever

How on earth does one glass of iced water bring about such a massive flu? That's all I had, one glass. Okie, make that one BIG glass. But still...

After two nights of heavy clubbing, here I find myself feeling miserable. I've yet to see anyone suffering from the sniffles and the ahchoos and the eerrgg-hheems jump with joy and walk around with a bloody smile on the face. Worst thing about this particular bout is the fact that it's giving me a headache as well. The entire frontal lobe is throbbing while my T-zone is aching from constant avalanches of mucus.

Right. That's that. Backyard was just one long night filled with alcohol and cigarettes. Almost got lucky too; what alluring eyes. Good thing I discovered (to my utter disappointment) she wasn't exactly a pillar of virtue, if you get my drift. There's something so wrong with being the resident slut, especially if the residence in question is a neighbourhood pub. I always say, if one has to be slutty, then do it in a disco (I refuse to use the term club) somewhere in the heart of KL. That way, you don't just get lecherous, leering old men with beer foam clinging on dearly to their greying moustaches.

Mojo was a different kettle of fish, for obvious reasons. More dressed-up crowd, and dressed-up parking prices as well. It's quite mind boggling when some pubs, mere pubs, price their alcohol on par with disco prices. A bottle of Absolut costs RM 280 in several pubs, AND in several discos around town. Is it my thinning wallet or have prices in pubs gone up? Or have prices in discos gone down instead? Either way, prices at Mojo are reasonable, cheap-like almost. Two bottles for RM 580 is a steal; one Black and one Absolut. Decent crowd, attractive sights, listenable music. It won't win the Club of the Year award, but I don't mind heading back there sometime in the near future.

I'm still undecided on what to do during this coming Merdeka weekend. Merdeka weekend? It's beginning to sound like the Fourth of July celebration. The only thing good about Merdeka is that it's a public holiday. Which means it'll be a long weekend, hurrah! I don't really fancy rubbing shoulders with hypocrites and listening to crooks deliver blatant lies about the 'sacrifices' that came with independence, to a bunch of mindless sheep who are solely in town to watch millions of ringgit go up in the sky. Yes, fireworks...Malaysia's number one celebratory medium. I digress, naturally.

I'm contemplating renting a hotel or apartment somewhere in KL, with thoughts of champagne, music and chicks. What I'll probably end up with is nescafe, maggi goreng and a host of lazy mamak attendants.

And the sniffles.

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