19 August 2008

i can see clearly now

Everything looks so much clearer now. Literally.

Collected my specs yesterday, and tried them out today. Super duper awesomely clear, my vision. It's even better knowing that my power has not increased at all over the last 12 years or so, just the astigmatism. Which is obviously due to too many hours (make that 8 hours a day, 5 days a week) staring at the computer. I wasn't too excited about the price, though; RM 399 isn't exactly Merdeka-sale material. But I guess somethings you shouldn't compromise on, and eyesight is one of them.

Just booked a flight to Langkawi, for late December. Several nights on the beach should be sufficiently different from the usual clubbing fare on New Year's Eve. Although, I'd be back in KL on the 31st, just in time to put my apprehension to rest. Clubbing during NYE isn't the cheapest activity in one's life, that's for sure. And by 2 AM, it fast becomes a chore. Too many alcohol-induced patrons behaving like drunken beasts, staggering and puking at will. The roads quickly turn into streams of vomit and beer, while the honking vehicles do little to ease the bottleneck developing at every possible road and lane. Yep, that's NYE in KL.

And to top it off, I think there's something so hypocritical about celebrating NYE with strangers in a club. Nobody speaks to each other before the countdown, everyone goes around hugging each other at the climax (or zenith, depending on how you look at it) of the countdown, and then it's back to more drunken debauchery. Motor reflexes start to malfunction, speech becomes a slur, and next thing you know, there's a rowdy altercation on the dance floor thanks to a movement-challenged drunkard who has stumbled against an equally thought-challenged soul. Once the alcohol stops pouring at 3, most go through a severe withdrawal stage, puking indiscriminately and growing more aggressive with each passing minute. So what happened to the brotherly love hours before, eh? Where was the love that was being showered around freely as the numbers rolled down?

Nah, I can honestly say I've been to many countdowns in many clubs over many years, and after a while, beer is beer. You end up paying ten times the usual price, but it tastes the same. The people are the same, they sound the same, they smell the same, and they sure as hell puke the same. So I guess the question you should ask yourself as you stand in front of the mirror trying on your NYE shirt or dress, is it really worth all the trouble?

Of course, if you manage to pick someone up and enter the New Year with a warm body by your side, the answer is undisputedly YES, and my argument heads squarely for the bin.

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