21 August 2008

quo usque tandem

So here we are again. For the millionth time, forced to endure the perversion that is the fundamentalists who infest this country. Thanks to some turban-blinded, misguided fanatical freaks, Avril Lavigne fans are going to miss out watching their idol in action. What's even more teeth-grindingly annoying is the way the Goons went about stopping the concert.

To the best of my knowledge, the concert was slated for the 29th of August. For at least a couple of months, countless promotions and advertisements were splayed all across the media announcing the arrival of pop rock's princess. It was supposed to be part of the Merdeka celebrations that the Goons are so fond of organising even though the taxpayers' money could go to more significant uses. So how is it we find a halfwit Goonie stating the concert has been cancelled due to it clashing with Merdeka and some religious event which coincidently appeared out of the blue? Well, it would have had to have appeared out of the blue if the Goons hadn't brought it up when the concert was first announced, wouldn't it? Then the Goonie starts on a sermon about how this country should only encourage acts which are beneficial to the youth. Step forth, religious boybands!

What's funny is that these same Goonies sit down and wonder why every person with an ounce of intelligence is leaving the country. Why this country is a laughing stock among the youth of the world, with its archaic quirks and suppressive laws. Why KL will never come close to challenging Bangkok and Singapore as a vibrant city in SEA.

Yeah, that's Malaysia for you. Every step forward is followed by two steps back. Slowly we crawl into the new millenium, held back by religious fundamentalism and racial bigotry. Like a man chained to an iron ball, progress towards the horizon which promises freedom has been painstakingly slow, we slowly creep along while the rest of our neighbours stroll by.

For how long more are the youths going to be blamed for every damn social problem here? For how long more are the youths going to be subdued by the parasitic politicians who are more interested in banning a concert rather than weed out corruption and human rights violation? For how long more are we to bear the hollow, indulgent, money-making, miguided celebration that is Merdeka?

The flag turned upside down. How very apt.

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