16 October 2008

around the gym in eighty kilos

I need new shoes.

I need new shirts.

I probably need a new wardrobe altogether. And a brand new fashion sense to follow.

Since I'm on a roll, why not a decent house somewhere in Subang, PJ, Bangsar or Damansara Heights? So I could keep furry four-legged creatures in my compound, even when I'm incredibly old and close to death. Magnificent mutts they'd be; rolling about in the mud. Altogether I won't complain terribly if I had a house and a condo.

All I ask is for the chance to prove that money can't buy happiness - Spike Milligan

Aiya (sigh). I'm in bit of a mental muddle currently, hence the disjointed flow. I think. Adolescent exuberance has been tempered by adult pragmatism.

Signs. Can you trust them to guide you? Can you disregard them at your expense? Don't read too much into signs, many say, but how much is too much? There's a continuous stream of what if-s and could be-s; any of which can sustain a conversation deep into the night. Then again, we are but players in this foolish game, searching, probing, anticipating. With reciprocation comes elation, pleasure, bliss. Rejection brings disappointment, despair, loneliness. But then again, there is no joy without pain, no happiness without its twin, sadness. As such, can reciprocation be truly treasured if there were no brush with rejection?

What on earth are you rambling on about, I chastise myself. I've no bloody idea, to be honest.

Okay, let's focus on something substantial, something more tangible.

Well, the end of the month gets closer; another two weeks or so to go. I must say, this year has just flown by like an arrow whizzing past. Guess the Euros and Olympics helped the months move along; the middle of the year is often the 'slowest moving'. However, there's still November and December, so might there be any unexpected event on the horizon that brings a sting to the tale of 2008?

Watch this, uhm, calendar?

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