17 October 2008

faces on books

What's with rainy weather and sleepiness? It's almost impossible to experience a rainy day without the eyelids growing heavier and heavier with each dropping raindrop. Especially when it's all dark outside and the aircond remote control display show 20 degrees C. Show me the bed, and I'll give you sleep.

Is there anyone you can't find on Facebook? I think not. Not unless they're still in the Stone Ages (relatively speaking). I reckon FB's like a hundred times better than Friendster, and no, I'm not doing a review. Not anytime soon. Although the kinks that still bug the applications can be quite hair-tearing, especially if you're trying to send that all-important flirt line you took hours to compose; or if you're trying to recruit your final zombie/ vampire/ mobster and ascend to the pinnacle of Facebook superemacy. But yeah, TG for Facebook.

What I don't understand, though, is those people who post non-related pictures in their profile. I mean, the whole idea of joining FB is to network and find old friends. So what exactly does putting a picture of a dog/ cat/ clown/ car/ comic character/ actor/ actress etc on your profile achieve? Unless one doesn't want to be discovered by his/ her friends/ parents/ colleagues/ employers/ ah longs/ government etc. Or one could be horribly unphotogenic, in which case, use as many animal pictures as you want. Or a burqa perhaps?

Or, even cooler, wear a mask. An iron one preferably.


Anonymous said...

But really what's the point of having a picture?Do your friends not know what you look like?

me. said...

true, but more towards long lost friends i.e. primary school, kindie etc.