10 March 2009

same ol' brand new me

Looks like the days where I could drink merrily all night long and awaken feeling none-the-worse for wear are long gone. Christ, what a massive headache; spanning a little over a day. I've really got to stop making exceptions for taking the odd drink or three; and this even applies to Bailey's, woman's drink or not.

Cameron's was one big laze fest; the massive crawls notwithstanding. The frequent 'winter' showers just further reduced the average metabolic rate to 'Barely Active'. Plenty of food, coupled with an overdose of CTT. Oh yeah, and copious amounts of whiskey on the side. I'm not going to venture into idiocy that is the Malaysian driver. Instead, I rather delve on the crisp weather that still prevails in Cameron's; the sinful strawberry-based desserts at Rajuu's, and the friendly services provided by the Country Lodge. It always helps to be in the company of like-minded travel mates, and this round was no exception, the Anfield-Old Trafford verbose spats included.

My drinking resolution having taken a severe beating, the relationship version fared slightly better. Didn't whine, pine, whinge or cringe. Not outwardly, at least. A random message caught me by surprise, and threatened to turn my scheme on its head, but Glenfiddich provided a very welcome respite. Why I'm letting this crawl under my skin, god only knows. Or maybe I do, as well.

So yeah, the weekend getaway was an opportune interruption from my schoolgirl-esque lamentations and tantrums. I'm back, feeling wonky, drowsy and a tad bit silly. Above all, the cold, bone-chilling weather seems to have done my head a world of good.

When I find out what that 'good' is all about, you'll be the second to know.

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