02 March 2009

capsquare, but in lower case

Found: the world's most expensive beer.

I kid you not. Headed down to CapSquare over the weekend and made this stunning discovery. Well, I was stunned. Firstly, by the fact that the much-hyped about clubbing locale was anything but hyper. It was 'd' to tha 'ed'; dead. The only outlet with a semblance of Saturday night normalcy was Red Square, which is apparently KL's pioneer vodka bar. Every club these days seems to claim a 'first'; first to be this, and first to have that. And most of the time, after experiencing the club for the first time, it's back to the first impression one gets when entering the joint - BFD.

Anyways, I digress. Due to the zombie-like atmosphere at Modesto's and Urban Attic, I hopped across the impractically-built pavement and waltzed up to the entrance. As usual, the door bitches were anything but helpful. After repeating my question for the second time, the magic number comes trickling out; RM 50 cover charge, one drink provided. I mean, are these people living in 2009, or still stuck in 2007?

And then they seek sympathy by talking about how the economic slump is affecting business. Keep up those ridiculous prices, and it won't just be the economy that's slumping, mate. I have to say, sometimes I reckon KL coughs out clubs at a faster rate than Dubai erects hotels. It's stupefying how more and more clubs are littering every nook and cranny in town. Almost all advertise some form of uniqueness, all end up serving the same old roti kosong air suam. You name it; winter bar, ice bar, fire bar, water fountains, pole dancing; gimmicks which eventually become a bore, after a couple of months.

And since we're on this matter, it's mighty annoying to find 'working girls' infiltrating some of the trendier clubs these days. Where they once operated in Hard Rock and Beach Club, now they've even penetrated TwentyOne. I doubt any decent chap is going to be overly-attracted to a person who's lazing at the bar, and who's been sipping from the same drink for the past two hours; emphasis is on 'decent'. All they do is take up valuable bar space, which is a priceless commodity in rather small joints.

And leopard print dresses? Major time warp alert.

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